What is a phenol? What are the physical and chemical properties of phenol? This blog post will take a closer look at this organic compound to help you understand it better.
What Are Phenols?
Phenols are organic compounds that contain a benzene ring bonded to a hydroxyl group. They are also known as carbolic acids. When compared to alcohol, they present distinctive chemical and physical properties.
Most of the physical and chemical properties phenols display are due to the hydroxyl group they contain. They can appear as white solids at room temperature or a colorless liquid, and be aware that they can be acidic and incredibly toxic.
Properties of Phenol
Compared to other hydrocarbons, phenols have a higher boiling point. The boiling point increases when there’s a higher number of carbon atoms. The present hydroxyl group in phenol determines its solubility, but an increase in the size of the present aryl group will decrease the phenol’s solubility.
Phenols are acidic, and we can determine this by the way they react with active metals, such as potassium and sodium. The hydroxyl group acts as the electron-withdrawing group when the benzene ring is directly attached. This attachment decreases the electron density of oxygen.
Phenoxide ions are typically more stable than alkoxide ions due to the delocalization of negative charges in the benzene ring. Chirality is when a molecule or object can’t superimpose on its mirror image by relation or translation. Phenols display properties of this within their molecules, especially in catechin. This is due to the absence of axial and two-dimensional symmetry.
Day-to-Day Life
You’ll find several uses for this organic compound in day-to-day life, as well as laboratory experiments, medical procedures, and various fields. You can find small traces of it in mouthwash and other products. Some vaccines are stored in phenol for its preservation properties.
And those are the physical and chemical properties of phenol. If you’re in need of a custom chemical manufacturer, contact Capital Resin. We’re a trustworthy and reliable manufacturer here to meet your specific manufacturing requirements.